ATM grupa


The Border has been released on DVD in the UK

The HBO series The Border (also known as The Pack), which is executively produced by ATM GRUPA, is now on sale on DVD in the UK. The two-disc edition with English subtitles has been released by the UK’s leading distributor, Arrow Films, in the Nordic Noir & Beyond series. The DVD can be purchased from Amazon, where it is attracting good reviews.

The Border begins with a bombing that claims the lives of all but one Border Guard officer. In the attack, Captain Wiktor Rebrow (Leszek Lichota) loses his friends and his lover Ewa. Confused, he tries to unravel the mystery − to figure out what happened and who is behind it. An official investigation is launched. Rebrow’s superiors are bent on discovering the truth too.

Directed by Michał Gazda and Kasia Adamik, the six-episode series stars Leszek Lichota, Bartłomiej Topa, Magdalena Popławska, Aleksandra Popławska, Andrzej Zieliński, Marian Dziędziel, Julia Pogrebińska, Dagmara Bąk and Maciej Mikołajczyk. The show is executively produced by Artur Kowalewski (ATM GRUPA) and Izabela Łopuch (HBO Polska). HBO Europe’s supervising producer is Antony Root. The second season of The Border is due to premiere in the fall on HBO and HBO GO.


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